Patch Release – Version 105r1

admin Kingdoms and Castles

In case you missed it, we released version 105 back on Thursday. While we are still working on a content update, first we wanted to quickly get some fixes and improvements out to everyone.

If you are still running version 104, make sure to restart steam. That should trigger the update.


  • Statues will no longer catch of fire, and tuned fire spreading in general. Still more to do here but it should be better.
  • When fully staffed, foresters now also replant trees on tiles without trees (instead of tiles only with) and employs one more person.
  • Added setting for camera keyboard pan speed.
  • Added v-sync setting.


  • Fixed math bug in food info tooltip.
  • Fixed issue where ogre and dragon were still moving when paused.
  • Fixed issue where viking raids could happen back to back.
  • Fixed issue where vikings and armies would sometimes freeze.
  • Fixed issue where roads/bridges couldn’t be built sometimes.
  • Fixed issue where you could get more than three generals by destroying and rebuilding chamber of war.
  • Fixed issue where you could place a rock removal on top of an existing rock removal.

Stealth update: got a couple more quick fixes in today:
In 105r1:

  • Fixed issue where heads of household could also erroneously join the army
  • Fixed performance issue if you had a lot of jobs requiring wages and your gold was greater than 0 but less than the amount it took to page a wage

This is just one tiny step in our continued support of the game. There will be much more to come!

-Pete & Michael