Beautification Update – version 112

admin Kingdoms and Castles

While we’re still hard at work on other updates (Rival AIs, VR, twitch integration, and secrets), we’ve got the Beautification Update ready for you now! If you’ve got questions, ideas, bug reports, come chat with us on discord:, or email us at

Now let’s get to what’s new:


Added gardens, they provide happiness in a radius and provide bonus happiness if they’re on irrigated soil or near other gardens. The gardens work like roads and they change appearance based on if other gardens are adjacent.

New Statue

Added a new statue, Lord Nextraztus, a monument to the mighty dragon!


Added small and large fountains. They provide all the benefits of a well, but in a larger radius with extra happiness. However, they must be on irrigated land to function.

Skill System Tweaks

Workers will slowly forget skills they aren’t using. The person UI now shows this and better shows what skill they are currently learning. Archer Towers and Ballista Towers also now have some visual decoration when their workers are highly skilled (see the tower on the right who are grandmaster archers vs the left who are apprentices).

Aqueduct Tweak

You can now build aqueducts through castle walls and castle walls on top of aqueducts. No longer will your irrigation system be a hole in your defenses!

  • Added happiness bonus for killing vikings
  • Adjust tax happiness curve
  • Some performance improvements
  • Reorganize building menu, now at the bottom center of the screen and the ‘Town’ category is split into ‘Town’ and ‘Advanced Town’
  • Archer Tower and Ballista Towers won’t shoot unless the workers are actually there.
  • People working at Archer and Ballista Towers won’t leave their jobs during combat (unless you manually disable that job) even if a job is placed above it in the priority list.
  • Granary workers will now pick up wheat dropped by other workers
  • Fixed issue where w or s could scroll the kingdom log
  • Fixed issue with bakeries reporting inflated food amounts in the food report
  • Some performance improvements

We’ll have more info on the progress of the Rival AIs update as well as other updates in the next month or so!

As always, email ( or direct chat on discord is the fastest way to get in touch with us:

Until next time,
-Pete & Michael